photos: Rob Lloyd

client:  Government of Rwanda  scope: Regional climate vulnerability reduction plan  role: Regenerative landscape and urban design for MASS Design  team:   MASS Kigali Studio, Vanguard Economics

With one of the highest population densities in Africa, Rwanda is proactively confronting overlapping challenges of economic development, food security, social well-being and restoration of endemic ecosystems.  Through the lens of One-Health design, designers from MASS and economists from Vanguard helped develop a plan for regenerative redevelopment of the districts adjacent to Volcanoes national park.  With funding from the World Bank, the project will expand Volcanoes national park, increasing gorilla habitat through forest restoration.  Rural communities will be able to relocate from informal settlements, vulnerable to flooding and landslides, to "Green Model Villages" with facilities to support more resilient and efficient agricultural production, community services, better quality housing and social engagement across gender and age boundaries.  

design approach
The project seeks to support human and ecosystem health by considering the integration of design between scales - region to village, village to block, block to individual dwelling.  Settlements and agricultural lands are integrated within forest and riverine corridors.  Linear agroforestry stabilizes roadways and villages are organized into neighborhood units which preserve community open space and integrated water systems.  

A set of explanatory graphics helps synthesize and communicate the complex technical basis of the project, creating a mutual reference point for a wide range of stakeholders, while helping keep project principles at the forefront throughout implementation phases.

graphics: Rob Lloyd

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